Healing Truths

Heal Your Pain and Return to the Joy of Life

Follow a healer’s revealing and inspirational journey towards liberation, self-empowerment, and completion.  Kefah devoted her life to uncovering the truth of how we transcend pain and find meaning within it.  With a relentless passion she came to understand invaluable truths in the healing process and its importance to developing the higher potential. 

From many years of practice and research in healing others, her insights are a powerful reminder of the highs and lows to empowering oneself through pain.  She reveals the soul’s natural longing to free the limited self and encourages you towards liberating every aspect of yourself that remain closed, trapped, or feared.

Personal accounts of her healing journey intimately illustrate how these landmark teachings ultimately transformed the way she experienced her reality.  Her story is a testament to how placing complete trust in the sensitivity of one’s self leads to grace, hope, and love.


“The book Healing Truths is powerful and motivational…it gives me the opportunity to feel empowerment through responsibility and to live my life fully without hiding, fear, or excuses.” K.S

“Healing truths has been a beautiful read. I would recommend this book to all those on the path to seek true freedom no matter what stage you feel you are at.” N.Y.S.Y

This book is simple yet incredibly inspirational with huge amounts of wisdom and practical tips. It touches on different spiritual aspects in an incredibly accessible way. Either you are starting your journey or in the middle of it, this book is a must. PC

Quotes from the Book

Available in Paperback and E-Book

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