Follow The Wisdom Of Yourself

Each of us stands alone in the great mystery of our self and our relationship to creation is our unfolding.

What lives within us cannot be like any other, since we are all unique and designed to follow our way. How we live the experience of life cannot be compared with how another lives theirs.

Our story is ours; the way we see and respond is authentic to us alone and to realise this we must see what lies within.  When we rely on another, this is like a temporary crutch. What is most reliable is when we rely on ourselves to meet our needs. This has become a great challenge in the wake of modern pressures.  We stray from the path of empowerment when we follow another’s truth over our own.

To deliver the authentic self is to open to all that we are without justification or resistance. In fear we hold on to another. In the fall from personal truth we become overshadowed with fear. There is collective belief that reminds us that there is no better way but to support this perspective of following.  We stay in the comfort of formalities and conditioning and yet become indifferent to those who lead us and are in authority.

Truth is reliant on us to be conscious of what we are experiencing from inside out.  Personal truth is the understanding of our experience of life and from here we cultivate inner knowing.  The answers are all in us; this is not a cliché but a truth waiting to be realised. There is no knowledge, discipline or practice that can alter our potential, for we are created whole, empowered, and complete. Following what is in the heart brings us to a higher calling; where the task is to remember to listen to the heart.

Getting lost in proving our self to another brings only conditional happiness. The pursuit for external happiness is temporary and illusory when compared with the sustained happiness that is delivered from within. The true fight is not the battle outside of us, but to surrender to what is real within, since this leads to empowerment.

Instead of settling for what you believe you should be, turn your attention inwards and feel into how you feel.  Life becomes stale when we merely follow our thoughts and yet this makes us feel safe.  We are learning to be comfortable in standing apart.  Surrendering our dependency on others to make us feel whole helps heal us from the masks we wear.

To recover inner wisdom we must break free from the safety of what we know and expect. Loosening the grip of controlling life opens us to inner truth. Through direct insight lies the ability to overcome what is limiting us. True meaning cannot be created when we become numb to ourselves.

Creative awakening is led by the movement of emotion. Grace and acceptance of all that we are comes out the courage in the heart, and trusting the wisdom of emotions is key to developing this higher potential.  Feeling and emotion have been made an enemy of and we become numb for good reason. If the path we have lived has been overwhelming for our sensitivity, we will shut down to feeling.

Opening the heart is like a dear friend returning to our life, it brings relief. Surrendering to inner life brings the meaning you are looking for.  Everyone is creating, and what you are creating is in our hands. To not forget our self and to strengthen our will to serve personal truth moves us to brightness.

“To hide the heart makes life a hard and limited reality. Through opening again we free the prayer in the heart and open to the greater aspects of being.”

Peace is inevitable when we create consciously from what has meaning to us.  When we move away from the true self pain is created within. To follow inner wisdom is to learn to trust. To not hide but to live what is real to us helps us regain our true essence. But to follow another will not create us in the truest way.

Corruption of the true self seeks ways to cheat life. The drama of life becomes the spectacle that we become distracted by, where so little has become meaningful. In the avoidance of the self comes the rise of the distraction for external gain. When corruption and indifference fill life, then what we stand can have little meaning.

We are unsure how to follow what brings true meaning in the heart. There is a belief that to follow the heart is an idealistic notion and self-centred distraction. Listening to the impulse of how we feel about things matters.  Following the heart does not mean discomfort will not follow, but we are learning to be aware of how you are responding and how you listen to your heart. What matters is to know that our sensitivity is ever-changing and informing us.

Freedom lies in creating out of our sovereignty without the need to follow or attach to another.  In self-discovery we are exploring to understand our innate sensitivity and to learn to make choices from this. This trains an invincible power of will.  To align our choices to what we believe in is to live a higher way.

We fear following what is in us because we believe that nothing will come and that we are empty of anything real. Following others causes us to fall far from the true state of being. When we attach to what is outside of us, we encourage a void within and trust only in external security.

What is real in the self has become alien to us and has been modified and distorted. To open to what lies in the heart is to accept both sorrow and joy alike, since we cannot favour one over the other in order to grow. To accept parts of us and not others creates division, and we are learning to break this illusion.

If we don’t like something about our self, we resist it, and we prioritize what is agreeable to us over that which is not. We actively encourage a reality that supports suppressing and taking discomfort away at all costs, regardless of the implications it has on the impact of the whole self.

Many of us have moved away from our original blueprint of being. What was unique in us became distorted.  We build castles with high walls to protect ourselves from all that feels out of our control.  To know the extent of light within, we must know the extent of darkness also. Through experiencing what limits us we are learning to live the promise of the liberated self. This dynamic is created to serve us and not to dis-empower.

To turn this perspective around, life asks us to embrace that which frightens us, to see that it has as much value to our development as light. Becoming free is the transcendence of light and dark to realise beyond these polarities. To do this we must find balance to not run away from the true self.  We do not need to fear our self, or our life; but to experience all the shades of it.

What is real for us creates a strong energy and is clear in the world. In the sovereignty of being we do not try to be anything we believe we should be, since we follow no image of our self.  Each of us stands alone in the great mystery of our self and our relationship to creation is our unfolding. The sovereignty of our power is not a force that is apart from the world, but very much living as one with it.

“Our challenge is to experience the struggle of life and still open the heart within it.”

For empowerment, we train the mind to be in relationship with the heart. To express our self from thought alone creates limitations to how we see our self and how we behave. When we are able to create in alignment with the heart, the mind is free to serve what we truly believe in.  The mind is a powerful ally and must be harnessed to free the wisdom of the self.

Through your way, you feel free. What we have become is created by you, which means you have the power to recreate what is in you. Reliance within cannot come from those around you. Following the wisdom in us transforms reality.  Wisdom is universal in nature and reflects the inter-connectedness of human nature. 

Wisdom lies within us and is accessible no matter the status, rank or experience. Wisdom does not know its own value but is accepting of and cares for all. Life void of wisdom becomes barren and heartless, since wisdom is the food of the soul.