
- Spiritual teacher and Healer

Kefah Bates has over 20 years experience working in the field of healing and empowerment in the UK. She now teaches, writes, and advocates Self-Governance worldwide.  

Born in the U.K and with Yemeni parents Kefah was a sensitive and highly intuitive child.  She developed this through school, college, and university and focused her study in the Creative Arts.  But it was her love for teaching that she would channel her gifts.

She studied to be a teacher for higher education and quickly began working in healing environments that encouraged wholeness, creativity, and higher knowledge.  Spending seven years immersed in the teachings and communities of Rudolph Steiner, whilst supporting adults with learning disabilities she grew a keen interest in esoteric teachings and the realities that exist beyond the physical.

Her wish to develop her sensitivity and understanding of Spirit, Soul, Mind, and Body started to focus more keenly when she trained in TA Counselling and Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training.  Driven to understand the nature of wholeness and the true self she went spent the following years furthering her therapy training qualifying in the healing modalities of Reiki, Energy Healing, and Shamanic Healing.  

Now fully aligned to her calling she developed a Healing Centre in Edinburgh, Scotland that would establish her practice and research into the nature of suffering and why it exists. With relentless passion, she would go on to heal countless people to move through their pain and trauma.  She would spend the next 13 years facilitating people to integrate their shadow selves, empower themselves, and open to their higher potential.  Her compassion and unfailing acceptance of vulnerability allowed all those that worked with her to move effortlessly through healing their pain.

Her service to help heal and empower her community was an unquestionable commitment.  A long side her healing practice she quickly began delivering a teaching program to support peoples growth in connection to their innate wisdom and sensitivity.  Running regular workshops and courses on spiritual development and healing she would go on to qualify others to become healers. 

Her personal journey of self-discovery was supported through her deep connection to nature.  After being introduced to vision quests she would immerse herself regularly in solo nature retreats, surrendering more and more to her love of higher consciousness and the Holy.  During the final years of her healing practice, she would gather the vast research she had experienced into the suffering of the human expression.  She recorded this essential knowledge in her self-published book, ‘Live the Life of Empowerment.’  During this time she experienced profound inner transformations that led her to transition from a healer to spiritual teacher. 

Her latest books published in 2022 and 23 ‘Healing Truths’ and ‘3 Keys To Spiritual Success’ continues to share the essence of her work.  More recently she has established the core principles of her research and teachings through Self-Governance.

Presently based in Bali, Indonesia she is founding The School Of Unified Healing in Ubud, Bali , where she lives and works.  Continuing to reach out and share her work worldwide Kefah teaches online, speaks, and writes on the importance of Governing the Self, Healing and Empowerment.