Legal Disclaimer

Self-Governance emphasizes and engages in general educational well-being content and advice. We are not professionals, certified, trained and are not tailored to provide psychological interventions aimed at curing psychological illnesses. We expect you to use our products, services and content within the boundaries of your professional expertise and at your own risk. All advice Self-Governance provides is ‘general advice only’ that should only be used/distributed within the bounds of your expertise. Self-Governance does not guarantee any specific outcomes, measurable effect in relation to any exercise, or meditation aimed at improving well-being suggested by us alongside the course of work delivered. Self-Governance has no liability for any consequence of any action taken by the user relying on the basis of any content delivered or any information provided on this Site. You must seek independent psychological and medical advice for any psychological and medical issue faced. Any specific information provided by Self-Governance on any of your requests and any information obtained or materials downloaded from our website is completely out of your own volition and any transmission, receipt, or use of this Site does not create any client relationship between you and us.