Live The Life Of Empowerment

Understanding the potential that lies within, is the start of realising it. What we dream into life, we create in our world.

What life is for, how to live it and why we exist are all answered from within our self. From the disconnection to our self we have became disempowered. To return to wholeness, healing for the soul must happen on all levels of being.

The potential to hear the call of the true voice comes in the darkest hour. But in the collective consciousness, the human psyche fears the darkness of life, and creates a reality that aggressively attacks and punishes its presence. We desperately want to make things feel tidy and presentable. The effect of turning away from our shadow weakens the soul, and so we break trust with our self.

When we stigmatise something, we reinforce a reality of fear. We sensationalise pain and demonise fear. When we are able to move past the constructs of good and bad, dark and light, then we can respond to life in a real way.

In the cycle of life, we are given the task to break free. The fight is not between each other but to face fear and to live our personal truth. With lifetimes of self-corruption, powerlessness is generated on a mass scale. To choose and direct life meaningfully in line with truth is the higher task.

In turning away from our truth began the search to return to it. We come into life for this purpose, to create the self whole again. Freedom is just that, it belongs to a place that is not known to us through the mind. When we experience true freedom, the process of holding on is not a reality any more.

That which is sustainable comes from the inner fire. The tricks of life call us to follow another to gain what we want. We become conditioned by the collective discord, and so turn away from what makes us stand apart. To break away from this illusion is the higher path.

Though great things have been accomplished externally, this is incomparable to the potential of what lies within. Only in the surrendering to what is inside of us do we live empowered. The answers to all that you wish for are found within.

We can force our self to be or to act a certain way to fit in. We are told to behave in ways that mould us into a perfect person. We are fed with many versions of what this looks like, and so try to force its expression, even when it does not feel real to us.

“When a choice comes your way, remember to choose the path that touches your heart the most, then you will know what you create in life comes from an empowered place.”

To live empowered we must relieve the self from the constructs that keep us tied and return to experiencing our life through the most authentic parts of us. When we do this, we live what is real, and not a second-hand version of our self. To do this, we must restore trust in our self.

Imagine when we lose trust in someone and have to rebuild it again. This requires us to go slowly, become more sensitive, and realise that we can’t take anything for granted. This is also the experience we have to go through to rebuild trust to ourselves. 

Living from inner belief comes when we integrate the heart self. Without this, we sense our self as separate and life becomes compartmentalised. Our lives become misguided and meaningless when we shut off from feeling our world.

We are sentient and soulful beings that come with many layers. What lies in you, is yours, what you carry is unique to you, no matter how different it may look to another.  By regaining sensitivity within, struggle and not feeling enough can be transformed. Searching for meaning externally can only take us so far. That which opens the self fully is found in the higher sensitivity within. 

Understanding the potential that lies within is the start of realising it. What we dream into life, we create in our world. Sensitivity is key to knowing our higher state. Opening the heart allows our sensitivity to become more refined. Releasing pain that limits us is part of the path that takes us higher. Without release, fear stunts our growth. The wisdom of our unique healing journey prepares us for our higher purpose.  A power is birthed with every truth that is released through transcending inner struggle.

To return to balance we must address imbalance. Living carefully is the awareness of the inner process, and to support the natural flow that occurs within.  The balancing process is a constant healing task, to understand and master. To ignore the natural inner flow creates further disease, corruption and pain. To give attention to this unfolding brings realisation.  We are always changing, even if you feel you are not. Each moment we experience a different impulse and impression that is unique to our expression. We imagine that enlightenment and self-realisation comes with an end point.  But we are forever expanding, ever-growing.

To avoid fear is to avoid our self. Turning within achieves this; to wander in the inner realms in a careful way, liberates us. To create the self is to become conscious and aware of all that we are, and of that which drives us. Being able to show all of our self makes the will and the heart stronger. By showing our vulnerability and sensitivity, we will come to know forgiveness in the heart. 

To sit on the fence of life is to not know what fulfills you. Our sensitivity is dulled through the choices we make that don’t come from our truth. To break a habit of indifference, we must create new pathways.

Our way of seeing is powerful. To live out of power is to learn to seek the answers from within and to surrender to that. All that touches the heart is what remains as our everlasting truth. Without this sensitivity we become lost to external influences. To create through light comes when we know our inner light, and in so doing we are able to see light in the world around us.

When we slow down and pause to know what lies in within, this allows another to feel our courage. What is worth carrying begins in the heart. This is how we believe. This awakens the higher path. That which we are learning to do is to set our inner fire free. Without limitations placed within the heart, the path is made clear.

“The sentiments of the heart are powerful. Its resonance penetrates deep into the fabric of all life. When we consciously grow this awareness, trust is created, and in turn raises our vibration higher.”