Path of Self-Discovery

The path of self-knowledge can be life-changing.  One rarely chooses the higher path.  We are drawn to it because its seed has begun to awaken within our soul.  Freeing the self of limitation is concerned with discovering that everything that we have longed for exists within our self. 

In the outer world we feel compelled to create and fulfill our needs.  Inner discovery allows for a new perspective that breaks all myths and the illusions of life that keeps us tied to our outer reality. 

The path of self-discovery awakens the higher truth where we find out that we have never been alone or separate.  What makes us feel lonely and apart is the disconnect that we feel towards ourselves. 

We are not helpless and yet our pain speaks of a great struggle that must be faced to experience our true selves.  We are led to believe that we can fail in life and are only bystanders to what life brings us.  Breaking through the illusion that we are not good enough comes from reinforcing inner union that replenishes us in our time of need.   In a time of chaos, struggle, and pain we become caught in the grip of fear of what we are becoming and lose sight of our empowerment.  

Feeling out of control and at the mercy of outer circumstances has become not only a normal part of human experience but has rendered us lost to our purpose and how we free ourselves from a limited reality. 

On the path of self-discovery we hold a potential to transcend all suffering, dis-empowerment, and separation from the true reality.  Following what aligns to ones empowered state of being is formed through creating the necessary inner conditions for oneself to lead again.

When we awaken the knowledge that no part of the self is wrong and no part of the self has to perform we align with the heart self and transcend a helpless state of being to one of opportunity and possibility. 

Placing trust in our innate ‘seeing’ we are empowered to grow personal truth and belief.  In oneself shines a light so bright that we can forge a new reality based upon higher potential and empowerment.