Restoring Trust in Yourself

Courage is needed to live fully, since we have learnt to hide our truth from our self.

Without self-belief there can be little trust in oneself. When we lose inner belief we will search for it outside of our self.  The light of oneself exists when we follow what our inner world reveals to us, which does not involve following another.  Without self-belief, the ability to make choices aligned to our truth is greatly diminished, and we will look elsewhere for guidance.

When we try to escape what we see within us, then trust in our self is lost.  To empower ourselves we are encouraged to pause and listen to what we feel about the experiences we have. In the rush of life we 

forget to listen to listen to ourselves, and as a result only live a small potential of our self. We get lost in the many constructs of what we think we should be doing. 

When we look outside for the answers we do this out of fear of judgement that we may receive from others. We place the opinion of another higher than our own inner truth. We become distracted by how others see us and fear standing apart. Turning away from what lies within fuels a reality of comparison.

Belief gained from inner truth forms an internal authority. When we have little belief within ourselves then we will seek this from an external authority.  Regaining trust in oneself is to live what feels real to us. Where there is resistance to our self there is pain.

“We regain trust by remaining interested in what is inside of us, and how we have come to be who we are”

Our potential lies within how we understand our self.  To recover trust within is to be honest, without hiding, rejecting or judging.  Courage is needed to live fully, since we have learnt to hide our truth from our self.  The task is to find out what feels real to us and what is real begins in the heart. To know what is meaningful comes through what touches you.

To understand this take a moment to consider what has touched you today, what made a lasting impression. To feel moved by our experiences is given little time and value. You cannot compare your experiences with those of anyone else because that which is true for you, may not be for another.  To free our self is to emerge from behind the mask. To surrender to the inner process is to feel all that we are and not a diluted version of it.

A collective pressure exists that leads us to compare our self to everything around us. When we yearn to be like another we turn away from our essential essence and wish to be something we are not.

To regain trust in our self needs a careful process to reinstate again. In the face of the hardness of life it is a challenge to practice tenderness and to experience our truth. This process cannot be rushed, for true joy and peace does not align with the demands of modern life.

Empowerment does not come through force or aggression. To live our truth feels like a risk. Without trust we cannot fully have confidence in our abilities. Living our truth brings belief back into our life.

To live our truth is to experience the sovereignty of being, whereby there is no question over one’s own authority. By not knowing our self we become powerless and lost. When we follow the truth of another we cannot know truth from within.

When trust is lost, the ability to create an empowered reality is also lost. The battle to attain one’s true self must be a conscious one, and we must be willing to see our truth.  To regain trust within is to no longer be a stranger to our self but rather to be in union with our self, which is the true source of our power.

Self-belief is a hard path to follow if we look outside for it. To follow that which is outside of us is a daunting task and can never end, for this is no true fight to win. By opening the heart there can be trust within the self.

What is real for you lies in what you think, feel and believe.  We are shown endless doorways to something better than what we are. When we follow what is outside of our self, sooner or later we will feel insecure because the foundation of our self is not built from the source of us.

There are endless distractions from facing personal truth. To escape and distract in external pursuits can only take us so far.  In life we are learning to breathe in a natural way again. It begins from inner knowing and by breaking down the borders within that limit us from experiencing our truth.

The fabric of our culture is based on the fact that we do not trust what lies within us. This is what inevitably encourages us to follow another to feel safe. Without inner light, apprehension and hopelessness are birthed. To regain power within is to open to one’s inner world and experience all that we carry.

“Turning inwards is the first step on the path to recovering trust in our self.”