The 9 Principles Of

Universal Instruction On How To Open Channels Of Higher Consciousness And Free The Limited Self

Each guiding principle reorders our understanding of how to align ourselves to the higher self and integrate this practically through mind, body, and soul. 

Self-Governance offers a clear and simple path of how to form the inner conditions to construct a free reality, unlimited, and empowered.  

The following knowledge is at the heart of all teachings on Self-Governance and no matter what stage you are at on the path of self-discovery and spiritual development, these principles can be integrated into daily life to acquire deeper levels of wholeness and completion.

The 9 Principles Of Self-Governance

1. Deliver yourself; you are complete.
2. You are the centre of your universe.
3. Your inner world is your outer world.
4. Believe out of the self and create from this belief.
5. What you have become, you have created.
6. Do not question yourself, be it.
7. Believe that your true state and destination is Holy.
8. Overcome resistance to remaining within yourself.
9. Surrender to life’s process.

Through years of study, research, and practice the founder of Self-Governance dedicated her life to breaking through the illusions of helplessness, suffering, and powerlessness. She saw that innately within our being we are free, created free, and designed to be unlimited in our pursuits. Each principle forms a part of a whole system, to transform the way we see ourselves and the world we create.

The principles aim at promoting the essential keys that they relay to, these are the higher disciplines that are the keys to Self-Governance, being (a) Honour, (b) Master, and (c) Worship. Therefore the descriptions of the principles are better understood when they are grouped under the key they relate to and originate from.


To succeed in opening our spiritual path and keeping it open relies on our ability to Honour the wisdom of the Heart self. As the sustaining power moves us towards higher consciousness, the heart reveals our unique expression.

Without honouring our essential nature we lose the most accurate guide we possess to unlocking our spiritual potential. For this to occur, our attention must once again turn toward our inner world.

When we honour the authentic expression of ourselves we align inner forces that have the power to accelerate spiritual growth. By strengthening the connection we have to the real self, we restore integrity and live our life with self-authority and sovereignty of being.

Deliver Yourself; You Are Complete
We are created complete, whole, and free, and yet we rarely experience this original state of being. Spiritual growth relies on recovering the interconnected nature of ourselves and creating our lives from our unique expression.

We have become used to comparing ourselves, giving in to other people’s opinions, and seeking validation outside of ourselves without questioning its influence.

You will learn how to connect to the authentic experience of yourself that moves through the heart. You will be guided to discern between the heart and mind and understand why the heart is your true guide and liberator.

You Are The Centre Of Your Universe
It is one’s natural place to lead their life, and yet we feel unsure and helpless as to how to make the right choices for ourselves and create the life we wish for.

By recovering our attention and focusing on the aspects of the truest expression of ourselves, we unlock our higher potential and transform our lives in an empowered way.

By learning how to tune into our inner world and what we need to do to stay true to ourselves we meet our deepest needs and provide the answers we are looking for.

Your Inner World Is Your Outer World
To feel interconnected, awake, and empowered within our outer world happens when we experience it within ourselves first. To align ourselves with the abundant flow in life occurs when we place the heart at the centre of our spiritual growth.

Manifesting the life we wish for becomes effortless when the heart’s sentiments are clear and strong. Learn how to grow the true sentiments of the heart and learn to make life-giving choices.

The more conscious we are of our inner world, the more we feel interconnected and at one with life.


To truly master the self, we must stay curious and explore the differences between the higher forces that govern the self, the reality of the heart, and the mind.

Learning to discern personal truth and creating our life from it is the essential key to reinstating our sovereign power. Our original state of following its greater purpose serves this effortlessly.

When we open the heart and align the mind with it we trigger a higher force that propels itself towards higher ground. To experience our true selves we must understand that we have always been in the driving seat of our life.

Believe Out Of The Self And Create From This Belief
How we create our life matters and when we follow the true sentiments of the heart, we create an unshakable self-belief. What we follow and believe in has the power to transform our life from one of helplessness to embracing all challenges.

For us to override external pressures and strengthen the conviction of the true self we will learn how to strengthen our willpower to serve self-belief. By developing the necessary inner awareness of the governing forces we build new pathways necessary to mastering the self.

What You Have Become, You Have Created
Every response that goes against our authentic nature affects every dimension of our being. We are not designed to go against ourselves but to live freely and experience the whole self unrestricted.

When we align with the heart self we instinctively know what our unique expression needs. The more time we spend connecting and observing our inner world, the clearer we can sense our authentic self speaking through us.

When we are no longer lost to the interpretations of ourselves but take responsibility for the way we shape our lives we become the master of our destiny.

Do Not Question Yourself, Be It
To fulfill our greater purpose and deeper levels of wholeness, we must allow ourselves to experience all aspects of our expression and feel what our true self is revealing to us.

Each time we bypass our innate instincts we become lost in the mind’s doubts. As we move away from the connection to our inner world, we breed further fear. By connecting with our essential nature and allowing our feelings to reveal its purpose to us, we remember who we are and what we have come to do.


Worship is not confined to religion but is an essential key to influencing one’s spiritual growth. The true essence of worship is a universal key that unlocks and accelerates one’s spiritual potential.

Understanding how one’s soul reveals more levels of spirit is accelerated by one’s conversation with the sacred. The sacred and eternal is not a force that resides only outside the self but very much an inner experience that we can come one with.

By growing the sentiments of love and intrigue for the Divine we create the foundation to authentically realise higher consciousness as a meditative practice and not as a fixed, pre-meditated, or forced experience.

Believe That Your True State And Destination Is Holy
One’s spiritual expression is not separate from the sense of physical, emotional, and mental aspects but interconnected through the whole self.

It is by learning how to live the whole sense of ourselves unrestricted that we can draw spirit through our soul experience. We do not live the sacred separately from our everyday experience but are designed unified where every dimension of our unique expression is valid.

Learn how we can feel the Holy through direct experience and why this occurs only when we do not dilute the authentic expression of ourselves but align with who we truly are.

Overcome Resistance To Remaining Within Yourself
The Heart Self is not subject to censoring, holding back, or fearing any aspect of itself and yet we have come to resist it. Learning to accept and flow all the colours of our unique expression is a key factor in how we awaken the sacred and draw the higher qualities of spirit through us.

When the inner terrain feels unfamiliar, it is the sustaining light of our heart that is the true reminder of the path of freeing ourselves. Reconnecting with the heart, and training the mind to follow it, leads us naturally towards evolving our higher self.

Surrender To Life’s Process
Learn how to overcome the pressing need to change, push or force yourself to be something. By becoming the observer of what is rising within and creating the inner conditions necessary to free the unfolding mystery of ourselves we learn to flow with life and not against it.

What rises within us is carried by a higher intelligence that we have lost connection to. By integrating simple and life-giving practices we can remember and align with our original state of being.

Find out how you can connect to deeper levels of yourself and develop your higher potential.