You Have a Life and a Purpose

When we lose touch with what is real in us, this effects the way we create meaning in our life.

We live by who we are and what we believe in.  What lives inside of us cannot be like any other, since we are a unique beings. How we live the experience of our life cannot be compared with how another lives theirs.

Our story is ours; the way we see and respond is authentic to us alone and to know this we must see what lies within.  When we rely on another, this is like a temporary crutch and we stray from the path when we follow another’s truth over our own.

When experiencing the deeper and authentic self we have the potential to radiate magnificent colours into our world.  Shining all the colours, we we learn to create reality aligned with our higher potential, which is unbound and free.

From the absence of our truth we lose our integrity. Conforming has been the safe option, where there can be little self-belief. We turn rigid and hard within from the demands placed upon us when we follow others. Purpose lies in the maturity of the light created from our truth. This is the pride of existence, when we integrate the higher self into our life. 

Each time we grow our truth the more we fill our being with light. We are energy beings. Being proactive in filling the heart with sentiments from that encourage our light to burn strong lifts the burden we carry in our heart.  This can be done in many ways, by reading uplifting and life-giving texts, listening to higher vibrational music, going on walks in nature, yoga, grounding practices, breathing exercises, placing images around you that are full of light and hope, and the list goes on.

To open to our higher state, our fragile nature must be seen. To live carefully is to become conscious and aware of what we are becoming. Without self-awareness, we are easily drawn back into the drama of discord. When the brightness of us shines then the external power struggle ceases. With self-knowledge and sensitivity, belief is strong and we break the ties of inner suffering and corruption. 

There is a part of us that remembers that life can be lived with no effort, that suffering and hardship is not the true reality but merely an illusion. Hope comes through truth and the joining to the higher frequency of our essential nature. The difficulty lies in the fact that we forgot this knowing.     

The higher wisdom that lies in you is mighty. Your purpose is found through life unfolding from a felt sense within you.  Inner truth is founded on love, and where there is love, there can be no discord. We stand alone in the sovereignty of being, but we remain one with life. Direct experience of our truth cannot be given to us by another.

Feeling separated from our true self places enormous pressure on us. Becoming our true self is the journey, where taking responsibility means accepting the story of the life we have, and learning to embrace who we are and what we came to do.  Through this challenge we learn to master our self.

In our hands is the choice to grow our light or to diminish it. When life is created without masks then there is freedom from all that is limiting us.  To expect and predetermine in life blocks us from living our true purpose. Our spirit is dampened by constructs of the mind that try to control and fix our experience to be something it is not. 

Letting go of trying to control our life allows us to see life for what it really is, and to authentically respond to it. To control comes from fear and is tangled in the shadows of the self. To have the courage to see our shadows loosens the grip of needing external control. Witnessing the story of our soul brings self-belief and power back. Seeing the weave of life within us delivers the real self.

In the true essence of the self, one is love; one is complete and whole and seeks for nothing more than what one is. When we create from inner knowing, very different impulses can be experienced than that of the unconscious self. Aligned with the true self life becomes a co-creative process where we do not create further division internally.

Without accepting one’s whole self, the life we lead will never seem enough. The instinctual need for more comes when there is no peace within. True peace is all-sustaining and originates from within. It does not just come if we are caught in achieving goals. Peace is a state of being, not a transitory process. Because of the powerful drive to give attention to what’s created in the outer world, we lose touch with what is real in us and this effects the way we create meaning in our life.

We often seek to satisfy a desire, not because it means something real to us, but because it provides a distraction from the deep frustration that we carry within our self. The battle is not outside of us, but to find the patience and the courage to move past the dense energy of frustration inside of us, and to truly see what we are dissatisfied about.

Popular culture is driven towards an impression of success, happiness and wealth. Such attributes divide society, create hierarchies and authority figures. We place a stigma towards what is dark, bad, or uncomfortable, which fuels our resistance to seeing the whole of our self. We focus only on what is pleasurable and learn to walk away from what discomforts us.

Happiness and pain now compete, but neither one is the true state of being. We cannot know a sustained and eternal joy until we experience the whole self in union. Disempowerment comes when we move away and ignore our inner process. From an inner poverty we became lost to endless distractions outside of us.

“The cream of life, the fullness of being, comes from the immersion into our inner world, and following that which is true for us.”

We place huge emphasis on the external path. It is commonplace to only look outside of our self for the answers. To integrate the true self again we must go slowly.  There is no quick fix in the higher path. The pursuit of peace lies in inner truth. Light is indefinite in character, ever-changing and ever-growing. When we do not feel whole, we are held back from inner knowing.

To live our purpose, we must move past inner discomfort and realise the creative being that lies within. In us is the choice to walk towards power or to diminish it. The mind strives for unobtainable perfect conditions, but we forget our origins and that we are not perfectly ordered from this way.

The brightness of you is wishing for its realisation and to bring about higher consciousness. To accomplish this we must move through the shadows of our self and be ready to realise the magnitude of being.

“We feel we don’t have a choice; we want to believe that life is all hardship. You are not a passenger of your life, you are responsible for it.”

To know what drives us is a fundamental question to living. To completely free the self is to know what is in you and live from this. To learn about who you are is to awaken this conscious knowing. You may find what is driving you may not be what you thought. Accepting yourself is of great service to you, to not compare what you feel you want others to see in you, but live what you are. In life, the strengthening of the true self is the higher fight.

We must begin to dream consciously, to awaken from our sleep and to see that we are the true master of our reality. What we think, feel and do matters in creating the reality we live in. In our true state, life is lived from a vital and real source and is dependent on nothing. This dream starts within and is in our hands alone to create.